It's already March! Oh NO.

I woke up this morning, and as usual, got my Blackberry to turn off the alarm. As I look at the clock, my eyes also got the date of today. Tuesday, March 1. It's our sixth times on 1! Errrr, okay, trying not to sound too excited, because our time seems really short if compared with others, aren't we? Actually, it is not the point of this post. What am I going to talk about is, IT'S ALREADY MARCH! and it indicates that I only have 4 months left to finish my final thesis if I want to graduate on July, or 8 months if I want October. Fiuuhhh. Still, I've got stuck on it. And suddenly, a wall of panic hits me today. Can I?

Honestly, I'm not one of those who really ambitious to graduate quickly. I mean, it's not a guarantee for me, you, us and other people to get an appropriate job if we graduate faster than others. There are many factors beside the graduation itself. GPA, networking, language skills, experience, luck and many other things beyond our mind. Furthermore, there will always be something that press you after graduated. Now, I'm drowning under pressure of the question like "kapan lulus, Zu?" and after I graduated, there will be some questions about "udah dapat kerja belum?" or "kapan S2? udah dapat beasiswa?". And after that, "nikah kapan?", and forth and forth and forth. See? graduation really doesn't mean everything. There will be some more big things come ahead.        

Some of my friends, my sister, brother and even my parents say to me that I shouldn't worry about my final thesis. Eeven I graduate longer than others, in my age which is two years younger than my other friends, it still okay for me. If I could have a thought like that, may I will not worry and afraid as I feel right now. But, it ain't easy as it seems. There like lots of little things telling me I have to finish this as soon as possible. Every time I see the progress of other people who is one step ahead from me, I become more stress. But then, everyone probably feels like that, huh? The other thing is, I just want to make all of these things done. Then make my parents proud of me, see the other things in life, living in a new environment, habit , choose the other paths that really into me, expand mind, create more things and forth. 

P.S : For everyone who also doing the final thesis, let's fight together! just have some fun with it.  best of luck to us :)